Dashboard for Christof Schwiening

Today: 5.1 km at 06:11 mm:ss per km.
Daily equivalent of a 3:57:10 marathon runner.

Marathon prediction 3:56:58 hh:mm:ss (56 day Tanda equation, in 7 days time).

Since 29th Feb 2024 (56 days ago) you have run 249 km in 25 hours 18 minutes (average 4.4 km at 06:05 per km taking 27:06 per day)

You ran on 35 of the last 56 days (62%), an average of 7.1 km taking 43:22. On those days, this was the equivalent training that a 3:49:06 hh:mm:ss marathon runner might do daily.

This graph shows your daily average plotted as circles with the darker red being the most recent (the red star today).

The thin curved 'Tanda' lines plot the functions for marathon runners of certain different speeds. Moving along a line is equivalent training.

The green 'slug trail' shows your progression over the last 56 days ending with a blue circle which shows your current 56 day average.

Pushing the blue circle to the right (more distance) and upwards (faster) will make you fitter.

21 days (out of 56) with no running may hamper your progress.

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